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Live Feedback Survey Insights Elevate The Customer Experience

CX In the end, the best wins

The Customer Experience Matters

When companies ask you to take a live feedback survey after engaging with their customer support, you should take the time to do it. Why is that? Because, customer service is part of your customer experience. With that being said, all too often, companies fail to ask the right questions. When you receive bad customer service, your expectations are not met. Let me tell you about a recent experience I had with Delta Dental. 

Consumer Behavior, Marketing, and Analyzing Big Data

Consumer behavior is the fuel of marketing, yet understanding the influencing factors that motivate their behavior is the issue of return. Personas, content, creative, channels, are what pull consumers through the funnel. Each identified persona has a different set of attributes with unique intonation along the path to purchase. Here’s where the muddle of interpreting big data begins, and the importance of measuring the right data for each intonation path because stale data provides inaccurate findings.

Measure Inbound Content Marketing for Conversion ROI

Don’t make this mistake. When a business fails to measure content ROI, the bottom line does not benefit. Content Marketing Institute found that 28% of B2B marketing goes unmeasured. Even if a business is in tune with its audiences, it can still be out of touch. Because technology has changed the way a business need communicate, businesses need to learn how to create content that does not add to existing content clutter its audiences are subjected daily. Marketing insights provides a business with a wealth of analysis data: