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Inbound Context Messaging And Social Online Marketing

Vollmer and Precourt (2008) describe why it is essential for marketers to accommodate different audience variations through uniformity in order for advertised messages to be heard. Brands detect these variations through a type of social culture shock. Audience segmentation melding within targeted audience environments is what triggers shock. Brands then learn to shift between target audiences by micro segmenting, which in turn reduce audience sizes to smaller predictive model groups. This maximizes inbound message interpretation as well as response and desired reaction to the messages.

Audience Microsegmentation and Culture Shock Model

Brand culture shock consists of:
  1. Incubation – euphoria.
  2. Difficult times – inbound communication obstacles.
  3. Assemble new audience insight – stabilization stasis.
  4. Co-opt – audience context comprehension of shared attributes.
  5. Re-entry – complementary variables [such as website context purpose] affect message efficiency.
In order for a brand to evade culture shock, marketers must decipher how to unify advertised messages within audience variances.  Montello’s (1995) perspicacity with respect to audience spatial cognition supports this premise. 

By pinpointing audience variances through regional biography characteristics, brands are able to align audience micro segments. Audience micro-segmented profiles are moreover understood purposing enhanced demographic segmentation models not overlooking psychographic segmentation variables. Shared interests equally need to be transcended into demographic consumer variables as well. For example, promoting interest in car rentals is more significant as a consumer characteristic than demographic variables such as age, location, marital status, number of children, homeowner, and so forth.

Audience microsegmentation involves placing customers, who share similar characteristics, into categories for targeting. Segmentation approaches conceivably include: (a) psychographic segmenting, (b) demographic segmenting, (c) benefit segmenting, or (d) establish consumer-segmenting groups. Thereby, the more clarified brand consumer segments can be; the greater the potential exists for understanding and communicating with the consumer micro segments. Bear in mind, consumer segmentation has no set master formula. It’s business analysis and creativity that inbound marketers need to apply. So, a marketer promoting car rentals might be interested in various targeting micro segments covering age groups of 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 50+ interested in vacation car rentals, weekend car rentals, or luxury car rentals. Psychographics are applied using visual messages hammering context, and the website context purpose exacts consumers to take the desired action of the message(s). Therefore, inbound audience messaging is a continuous growing as well as characteristic understanding of current and noncurrent target audiences.

Additional Reading and References:

Vollmer, C, & Precourt, G. (2008). Always On. (pp. 43-63). U.S.:McGraw Hill.

Montello, D. (1995). How Significant are cultural differences in spatial cognition?.

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