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Measure Inbound Content Marketing for Conversion ROI

Don’t make this mistake. When a business fails to measure content ROI, the bottom line does not benefit. Content Marketing Institute found that 28% of B2B marketing goes unmeasured. Even if a business is in tune with its audiences, it can still be out of touch. Because technology has changed the way a business need communicate, businesses need to learn how to create content that does not add to existing content clutter its audiences are subjected daily. Marketing insights provides a business with a wealth of analysis data:
  • Word clouds
  • Time on page
  • Number of unique page views
  • Geo data
  • Behavior data
  • Traffic sources
  • Conversions
Be that as it may, conversion is the metric that matters. Buyer insights discloses to a business what content to create that its audiences want. This content is what shapes strategy for today as well as into the future. When a business puts out quality content its audiences want, trust comes about. Communication effectiveness then depends on how the content is expressed. If selecting communication content for a specific audience segment, text, pictures, sound, or video must express the maximum value as well as offer solution(s) consumers cannot get from the competition. This communication content method influences consumers to buy, breaks down resistance, and facilitates consumer participation with the business online. When the content fails to reinforce the brand’s position, the brand becomes diminished. If selecting an emotional appeal communication strategy, content communication embellishes non-product benefits using a consumer frame perspective. Again, text, pictures, sound, or video must express a value image then to stir customer audiences. Accordingly, principles of congruity are applied. When the content fails to reinforce brand position though, the brand becomes diminished.


Benefits of higher conversion rates, and elevated brand sentiment make it almost ridiculous for any business not to invest in spending more time uncovering and creating content that is useful for its audiences. The power really is in the hands of the consumer. Consumers want high quality content that answers their demands, and a brand is never what a business says it is. It is what they say it is.

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